About Us

St. Joachim Church, South Miami Heights, was founded on June 22, 1972. Masses in English and Spanish took place in Caribbean Elementary Public School, then in a shopping center. Father Emilio Martin (pastor 1972-92) and a small, hard-working community raised funds to construct the church.

In 1992, Father Antonio Silio was assigned to St. Joachim. When Hurricane Andrew hit a month later, he opened up the church as a major supply center. He created “Operation Hope” to provide pastoral and social services. His reconstruction and spiritual work continued until his transfer in 1995. Father Jesus Saldaña (pastor 1995-2001) created more pastoral groups as the parish grew.

Father Jesus Arias became pastor in 2001. He has developed more space for St. Joachim’s growing community. He began a pre-school, “The Guardian Angel,” and programs for lowincome families.

Present pastoral groups are the “Sisters in Christ” women’s club, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Legion of Mary, youth group, prayer and praise, RCIA, EMMAUS Women’s, EMMAUS Men’s, Cursillo, religious education program and Neocatechumenal Way.

Pastoral groups operate in English and Spanish, in a parish that is approximately 80 percent Hispanic and 20 percent Caribbean, Anglo and African American.

Meet Our Pastor

Msgr. Roberto Garza

Fr. Ivan Toledo
Parochial Vicar